
Showing posts from July, 2018

Disney/Fox Deal Complete: Whats going on with Fox’s X-Men Dark Phoenix and New Mutants movies?

  Late last year we saw a teaser trailer of 20th Century Fox New Mutants movie which was supposed to be a horror film set in an asylum. The move was supposed to be released later this year. Then in early January, we saw exclusive images of X-Men: Dark Pheonix. Shown in the slideshow below. Dark Pheonix was also supposed to be released late this year. Click to view slideshow. New Mutants teaser trailer Click to view slideshow. Soon after these photos and New Mutants teaser trailer was released Disney set out to purchase Fox back in December. The deal was approved unanimously by shareholders of both parties just this past Friday.  This purchase includes Fox movie studios and other fox tv networks, but not the FOX news broadcasting company. Regardless of what is expected to happen, production for both FOX/Marvel films halted, with even some of the cast not knowing what is happening with the movie. In an interview with Sophie Turner, she stated that she wasn’t sure whats happening wi

James Gunn, Behind the Fire

James Gunn’s old tweets are once again one of the main topics this week on social media. Several articles and websites have been covering this story since James Gunn was fired from Disney/ Marvel last Friday in the mists of San Diego Comic-Con. Alan Horn stated on Friday, “The offensive attitudes and statements discovered on James twitter feed are indefensible and inconsistent with our studio’s values, and we have severed our business relationship with him” This is the cookie cutter statement the company makes when they have let someone go by not including the full reasons for the termination due to the lack of concrete facts. The tweets were from almost 10 years ago, where Gunn made fun of subjects like child rape, pedophilia, homophobia, and 911 to name a few. Gunn had made disturbing jokes about them and the jokes were scrutinized by the public. However, Gunn had already made a public apology back in 2012, stating that he was trying to be provocative and edgy while staying in lin

New York and Virginia becomes first states to require Mental Health Education in Schools

  New York and Virginia become the first two states to enact laws that require substantial mental health education in schools. Both states have updated the health curriculum for elementary, middle, and high schools to include mental health education. Mental health is an important part of overall health and should be apart of the education in schools. Both states laws came into effect in June amid a recent increased focus on mental health and suicide. Time and time again we read the news that someone has taken their own life. Suicide has always been a problem for years, however, it’s mostly due to the lack of mental health education and services in communities. Many mental health professionals believe that its the lack of proper knowledge and skills and this starts an individual down a dark path. I believe that early mental health education can decrease the number of individuals that may consider suicide. Depression is an illness, that can’t be cured, however, it can be managed wit

Antman and the Wasp Review, SPOILER PARAGRAPH AT THE END!!!

ATTENTION, THIS BLOG MAY CONTAIN SOME MINOR SPOILERS AND PLOT THEMES. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!! Antman and the Wasp is a fun-filled family oriented action superhero movie. It continues to appease the MCU audiences as well as new viewers with its funny characters, and witty lines. It also comes after the game-changing events of Avengers: Infinity War and is the perfect pallet cleanser. Wasp definitely steals the show and is an awesome addition to the MCU. The movie takes place just about 2 years after the events of Civil War which sync up to the events of the Infinity War. Scott Lang is finishing up a house arrest deal with the FBI and is about 3 days from having his ankle monitor removed. Scott is also dealing with the ramifications of choosing to help Captian America in battle during Civil War and lost the trust of Dr. Pym when Scott once again stole the Antman suit to help Cap. But when Hank and Hope get into some trouble they have to get help from Scott and his “X-Con” friends to get

Avengers 4 Title Leaked!

    The internet, the MCU fans including myself have been so thirsty with the Avengers 4 title to be released by Marvel Studios. It has been said that the title to the upcoming 2019 film will give away too much of the plot of the film so Kevin Feige and the Russo Brothers have not released the official title of the movie to the public, the efforts to keep the title secret has been backfiring all over the place. With Infinity War leaving fans with a million questions and having to wait a whole year for the next film, fans have taken to the internet to speculate possible titles for the film. Some of the potential titles were Avengers: Forever (close) Avengers: Fallen Heros Avengers: Final Hour Avengers: Infinity Gauntlet (nope) However, the one title stuck with many people and even though it was shot down by the Russo brothers themselves, its back as a possibility again due to some new information. Trent Opaloch, a cinematographer was updating his resume and added the titles