Got Gas?

Today people will go to any ranks just to find cheaper gas. With gas now at $3.90 for regular in some places you cant help but to look for a cheaper station to fill up. I even drove 3 miles out my way just to use my GIANT gas points at the Shell Station. Lets face it, it doesn't look like gas will get any cheaper any time soon so here are some tips to save money and boost your gas mileage.

  1. When your at a red light (those with automatic transmission) shift in to (N) this will take the strain off your transmission while your not moving and reduce fuel consumption.
  2. Use your cruse control when your on the high way, this will improve your MPG by controlling acceleration. 
  3. Use fuel additives like octane booster and performance improver in your fuel tank this can also increase MPG by 2.5% (may not seem like allot but its worth it.)
  4. Make sure your oil is changed regularly and your air filter. Your if your air filter is dirty this can significantly decrease your MPG.
  5. And the most important of all. DO NOT DRIVE AGGRESSIVELY!!! People seem to forget the most important rule of driving. Because not only are your putting your self in danger your also burning up a lot of gas. 
  6. For all your smart phone owners, there is a gas app in all the app store's of (Android, Blackberry, and iPhone) that allows you to locate the cheapest closest gas station in your area. This app will come in handy for the months to come so I suggest you all invest in downloading it now.

I guess if your feel as though you don't need do do any of this then that means your rich and don't have to budget gas as a bill , but for us poor folk who have to plan when they go see there family and plan a route so you can get all your errands done in one swing around the block  we need all the tips we can get. Happy Driving! ; )


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